Managing Director, Accounts

Emma is a Lake George native, bringing seven years of account management experience to the Trampoline team. Organization is her middle name; you’ll never see her without a list and highlighter in hand, and she lives for the challenge to foster true brand innovation. Before returning to the Adirondacks, Emma lived in Manhattan where she led award-winning consumer engagement campaigns for brands including Microsoft, T.J. Maxx, Unilever, the American Heart Association, and Campbells. When she’s not in the office, Emma enjoys time outdoors with her family and friends, usually on the water or the slopes. She's a sucker for water sports of any kind, is highly competitive at trivia, loves exploring new places, and dances to live music. If you ever need an extra member for your sports team or someone to watch (and pet) your pup, she’s your gal! Fun Fact: Emma grew up without internet access or cable television, so feel free to quiz her on movie quotes. Just don’t expect her to follow any ’90s references you make.


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We’re a team of adventurers and go-getters. Perfectionists and team players. We climb mountains together and gain new perspectives every day. We work in the studio, in the field, and at home.

If you are here and you’re wondering what might happen if we worked together, it seems like a conversation might be a good way to find out. See what opportunities await….