Give Back. Pay it Forward.

From the shores of Maine to the towns of Washington Country to the villages of the Adirondacks, we're fortunate to work with amazing organizations that help feed our communities, protect our natural resources, lift our children, and care for our people. They recognize the importance of empathy, kindness, and giving a voice to those who may not have one.

At Trampoline, we strive to connect with organizations with such principles and are honored to work with such a prestigious list of groups that cover a large multitude of needs. While #GivingTuesday promotes monetary donations to organizations, giving back can take on whatever form suits you, whether it be volunteering, helping at events, or joining a committee— in short, giving what you can.

Let's do some good this #GivingTuesday and help these organizations, and others that matter to you, thrive. Links to donate are included below to each of the following organizations:

Adirondack Foundation: The Adirondack Foundation strives to build strong communities across the Adirondacks. It works to connect people with the places or people they care about the most, building relationships for meaningful philanthropy. We worked with the staff at the Foundation to create their 2023 Annual Report, as they look back and celebrate another successful year of creating pathways within the Adirondack community. Create your relationship with the Adirondacks.

Pride of Ticonderoga: PRIDE of Ticonderoga is a non-profit organization established in 1984 for the purpose of connecting and enhancing the community through housing restoration, downtown revitalization, historic preservation, and community development programs. We are working with the group, designing their 2023 Annual Report and creating creative content, to aid in spreading awareness about the 38 years of dedicated work that they’ve been doing for the Ticonderoga community and beyond. Create homes and revitalize communities here.

L.E.A.P.: Standing for Learning, Employment, Assistance, and Partnership, L.E.A.P. is a community agency in Washington County, New York, that supports and provides aid to families in need through various programs. We've worked with L.E.A.P. to develop multiple campaigns to help raise funds and awareness of their vital programs, Building Community One Person at a Time. Take a L.E.A.P.

Glens Falls Hospital Foundation: Our team designed and created the invitation and collateral materials for G.F.H.'s annual fundraising event, SAVOR, a celebration of health, friends, and local food and drink. The event raises funds for the Glens Falls Hospital Foundation, bringing much-needed support to The Joyce Stock Snuggery, C.R. Wood Cancer Center, and general hospital operations that help to save and enhance lives. Make your impact.

Dempsey Center: Over the course of the past year, we supported the Dempsey Center in its marketing efforts, assisting their team in creating photo, video, and creative content to drive its important mission. We strongly believe in the Dempsey Center's work in providing crucial resources and community to those impacted by cancer during some of the toughest challenges they will face. The Center’s approach embraces the patient and their entire support system in the healing journey, speaking to their deep understanding of the toll cancer can take on everyone when a diagnosis is delivered. Embrace someone today.

Adirondack Council: This year, our team worked with the Adirondack Council to create a logo design for their 50th anniversary, celebrating 5 decades of advocating for the park and its residents, both human and natural. As the Council celebrates its 50th anniversary, its legacy should be recognized as a steadfast resource for the Park and its residents, both human and natural. Celebrate the last 50 and the next 50 here.


The Concept: QUOTABLE. Issue #000006


The Concept: MOMENTS. Issue #000005