Senior Graphic Designer

A Savannah College of Art and Design alum, Kaitlin originally hails from central Pennsylvania but has called Upstate New York home since 2016. A graphic designer, illustrator, and photographer, Kaitlin’s strengths lie in her flexibility and ability to tackle any project thrown at her with gusto. When not at a computer, you can find her hiking, snuggling her dogs, snowboarding, or listening to true crime podcasts. Kaitlin is an official 46er who is also an adamant collector of peaks, plants, and vintage matchbooks.


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We’re a team of adventurers and go-getters. Perfectionists and team players. We climb mountains together and gain new perspectives every day. We work in the studio, in the field, and at home.

If you are here and you’re wondering what might happen if we worked together, it seems like a conversation might be a good way to find out. See what opportunities await….